Saturday, November 13, 2010

Viva Presentation

After we have done our 1st assignment, we actually have to choose 1 article that we have done using rules of 10 to present it in front of our class. For me this task is so challenging because although i have done doing my 1st assignment and just read the content of my assignment but giving examples and doing elaboration is the main reason i think this task is so challenging. 

My classmates have shown good presentation during this Viva Presentation and we have questions and answers session where the presenter have to answer the question that been asked by panel. Mia, Shida and Zaidi are the best presenters at all this Viva Presentation. They have shown their good elaboration and present their task smoothly just like they are fluent and very very understand their topic. Well Done Fellas!!!

However doing this task is so enjoyable and learning Critical Literacy is quite difficult but full with knowledge that we do not ever think we can discuss it in class. Thank You so much to Mr. Kamaraziz because teach us something new and open our eyes to think beyond or without a box.


Definition Of Phobia And Islamphobia

A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος,phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people.

Islamphobia is a fear toward Islam that because of violance that been make by the followers just like been claimed by US.

I have heard the word Islamophobia before this after the world was shock regarding incident of 9/11 in US. From that moments, Islam was been labeled as religion that organize violence among their followers. As a Muslim, i feel sad when my religion been labeled like that. This term should be totally eliminate because it make Muslim feel guilty although they are not the terrorist just like what others religion claim.

Who Is Julies Caesar???

Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
In 60 BC, Caesar entered into a political alliance with Crassus and Pompey that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power for themselves through populist tactics were opposed within the Roman Senate by the conservative elite, among them Cato the Younger with the frequent support of Cicero. Caesar's conquest of Gaul extended Rome's territory to the North Sea, and in 55 BC he conducted the first Roman invasion of Britain. These achievements granted him unmatched military power and threatened to eclipse Pompey's standing. The balance of power was further upset by the death of Crassus in 53 BC. Political realignments in Rome finally led to a stand-off between Caesar and Pompey, the latter having taken up the cause of the Senate. Ordered by the senate to stand trial in Rome for various charges, Caesar marched from Gaul to Italy with his legions, crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC. This sparked a civil war from which he emerged as the unrivaled leader of the Roman world.
Julius Caesar

After assuming control of government, he began extensive reforms of Roman society and government. He centralised the bureaucracy of the Republic and was eventually proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity". A group of senators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, assassinated the dictator on the Ides of March (15 March) 44 BC, hoping to restore the constitutional government of the Republic. However, the result was a series of civil wars, which ultimately led to the establishment of the permanent Roman Empire by Caesar's adopted heir Octavius (later known as Augustus). Much of Caesar's life is known from his own accounts of his military campaigns, and other contemporary sources, mainly the letters and speeches of Cicero and the historical writings of Sallust. The later biographies of Caesar by Suetonius andPlutarch are also major sources.

My 1st Assignment

After few weeks learn Critical Literacy, at last i get my first assignment which is Critical Review regarding four article that been choose by Mr. Kamaraziz. At the beginning i feel like this assignment is very difficult but after been taught by Mr. Kamaraziz about how to do this assignment, my classmates and i feel like it is actually quite easy but still a bit difficult to understand the articles. Mr. Kamaraziz have chosen The Influence of Heredity On Malay Race By Mahathir Mohamad, The Jews and Their Deceits By Adolf Hitler, The Value Of Television By Paul Robinson and the last one is What Steve Jobs Really Mean To Say By Kumi Naidoo.From all article that i have to do, The Value Of Television By Paul Robinson article is attract my attention because the writer said that television actually cannot educate the viewers but nowadays if we watch television programme most of the channel will have their own selection programme that contain knowledge not fully entertainment just like Paul Robinson has said.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Animal Farm

Animal farm is a movie that adapted from book that written by George Orwell. I'm not watching this movie at that time but i try to give my view from what my friends have told me. This story is about rebellious animal that want to be free from been human slavery. This story actually related to the our politic, from what this story moral values, it show the leader must be care to others and fair. Selfish should be avoided from leader so that great leader can be govern the society. The character of Napoleon in this story should not be practice by other leader because it make chaos just like what had happened to US. 

There are 7 original commandments in this story such as:

  • Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
  • Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  • No animal shall wear clothes.
  • No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  • No animal shall drink alcohol.
  • No animal shall kill any other animal.
  • All animals are equal.

Euphemistic Language By Noam Chomsky

We never heard about Noam Chomsky before this right? But Mr.Kamaraziz teach us about Euphemistic Language which is what Noam Chomsky find out. Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist and political activist, he is master of linguistic from what i have read about all his contributions in linguistic field.

"Every time you open your mouth, you will reveal yourself.... about who you are and what you believe in". 

 -Noam Chomsky-


A euphemism is a substitution for an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, using instead an agreeable or less offensive expression, or to make it less troublesome for the speaker, as in the case of doublespeak.


  • Lost their lives for were killed
  • mentally challenged for stupid
  • misspeak for lie
  • gaming for gambling
  • adult entertainment, adult material, or erotica for pornography
  • gravitationally challenged for clumsy
  • mental health center for mental illness center
  • vertically challenged for short
  • Undocumented immigrant for illegal alien


Syllogism??? I never heard this word before, today Mr Kamaraziz explain further about it and it actually help me to making my sentence more excellent.


* If A is true than B is true (If A then B)
*If A is in C then B is in C 
*If A is true, than B is false (A and B)


Major Premise : All mammals are warm-blooded
Minor Premise : All black dogs are mammals
Conclusion : Therefore, all black dogs are warm-blooded